At the same time, we thought about a strategy on social networks, in particular with the establishment of partnerships with web influencers.Google Analytics users, this week you probably receivd an email or saw an alert message when you loggd into your account. You vaguely understood that it was about multi-device remarketing (or cross-device remarketing) which is also calld retargeting . Google Cross-Device Remarketing Don’t panic, this announces good news.

The Instructions In The Email You Received

What does this change mean? What will it bring you? We’ll explaine everything here. A quick reminder about cross-device remarketing Latest Mailing Database Google announcd last September, during Advertising Week, that a new advertising format would be offerd on the AdWords platform . Cross-device remarketing , in other words retargeting as part of an AdWords campaign , will allow you to reach Internet users at any time of the day, regardless of the device usd (pc, smartphone and tablet) . The cross-device approach: an imperative to adapt to uses Cross-device remarketing.

Latest Mailing Database

From Microsoft Teams Once You Completed

The new uses of the Internet have given rise to new consumer habits and a totally different purchasing path. With the proliferation of devices Number Lists and the advent of mobile, Internet users easily switch from one device to another to research a future purchase, plan the purchase and finally buy. Cross-device shopping path H2 2016 Mobile Commerce Business Report – Criteo 6 in 10 internet users start their purchases on one device, then continue or finish them on another. (Source: Google) We also note that the device usd varies during the day and according to the days of the week.

By oseew

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