Information needs and user behavior on the Internet have chang rapidly in recent years. In the B2B sector, those responsible for a buying center are always looking for relevant, current, reliable and, above all, solution-orient content.
In 2010, lead generation and increasing
Customer loyalty are among the most important zalo database marketing goals for B2B companies. However, these business goals can only be achieve if a content -orient marketing strategy is develope that is consistently gear towards the information needs of the buying center.
The sources of information on the Internet have become more diverse. Social media will continue to gain in importance for the development of industry-specific target group pages. For B2B companies, it is important to develop a format that creates trust among the target group through exclusive and, above all, credible content.
While many years ago the company
Website was considered a mere business card, today the trend is going in a different direction. Websites are increasingly being expand to include solution- and person-orient content. The quality of the content is becoming a decisive factor for success. With solution- and person-orient nontent, prospective customers can be blendee webinar series address personally. Greater individualization of the company website therefore leads to increased involvement of customers and prospective customers and target satisfaction of needs.
In line with the content orientation in B2B online marketing, it will also be important in the future to run contextual online advertising through content-driven campaigns. Through thematic links to target group-specific content, text ads and banners, use at the right moment of need, can reach interested parties or potential new customers more specifically.
A very exciting area is the ad sitelinks in search term ads that Google
Has recently introduce . The linking options have been expand so that in the future it will be possible to direct users to very specific content on the company website. The key point here is that those responsible in the buying center are thus philippines numbers guide to relevant content in an even more targete manner.
The key to marketing success lies in the specific orientation of online marketing towards the buying center and the information needs of the target groups. This requirement results in five trends for B2B online marketing in 2010 . Which we present to you in detail in the 4th edition of our trend paper.