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How to make an effective sales plan?

Working with companies from multiple sectors, we have noticed that one of the main challenges for business, marketing and sales directors is to translate business objectives into specific actions that, together, offer a return on investment.

At GrowX Agency, we believe that to see better results we must first do a deep introspection and a diagnosis of the current situation. What are your business objectives?:

  • Do you want to attract new customers ?
  • Do you want to increase sales ?
  • Would you like to sell more to your current customers ?
  • Are you looking to streamline your sales team’s processes ?

As a manager, before creating a sales plan, it is essential to set SMART goals and understand how the desired revenue translates into billing metrics, customer acquisition, opportunity generation, prospects and contacts. After that, you need a method that acts as a roadmap to establish the steps to follow .

Inbound sales methodology as a path to  growth

Typically, changing our route or habits is not something we do every day. It requires a greater effort, since we must transform the way we do things; although, in the future, it also brings rewards.

Something very similar happens today in sales. People don’t like being sold to, but they want to buy. What a contradiction, right? And the most effective way to get them to buy is by transforming the way you sell. How? The inbound sales methodology is the answer.

Inbound is a sales strategy that puts the buyer at the center and prioritizes their needs to offer them the most appropriate solution. It also aligns with their purchasing journey to avoid interrupting them when they are not yet ready to buy and to keep them interested.

The sales plan must include demand generation

Another of the great challenges that we have detected in companies from different sectors that want to grow is the generation of demand . Since, as we mentioned, traditional tactics such as prospect lists, cold calls , intrusive emails and cold calling are working less and less. When was the last time you gave an appointment to someone who cold called you?

A sales plan, under an inbound approach, takes into account the demand that the sales team must generate, but also, from marketing, how many prospects can be provided . The inbound sales methodology is germany telemarketing more powerful when it is complemented by the marketing methodology .


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4 fundamental techniques that you must incorporate into your sales plan

It is proven that 70% of sales why didn’t my sales plan work? happen before contacting a salesperson. Therefore, sales managers must anticipate and train sales executives so that they are able to respond to all moments and situations in the prospects’ purchasing process .

Some tips to streamline spam data responses at each stage of the sale and improve customer relations are:

  • Don’t waste time on unqualified prospects : How do you know if a prospect is worth investing time and effort in? Only if you have previously qualified them as a potential client, through their customer profile, their needs, their decision-making process and your competition . Remember that when you try to sell to the wrong people, you don’t sell anything.

First impressions are what count: 

Do your salespeople have a sales script? Do they know the needs of their customers? How do they make the first contact? They often tend to be guided by perceptions and end up improvising, losing sight of the objective of the call and, therefore, losing the customer’s interest. It is important to anticipate the doubts that may arise during the conversation , in order to formulate valid arguments that answer them .

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