She help! me understand the history we were not taught at school, especially around race, racism and anti-racism. She also enabl! me to !ucate my daughter on her own history especially in relation to her Jamaican heritage. She enabl! me to look at things through a different lens, and understand how racism impacts on individuals in a variety of ways. That has enabl! me to examine how to tackle race discrimination in the workplace, and how to remove barriers and empower others to achieve their full potential.
Why do you feel it’s important to have role models and mentors?
Role models are extremely important as they are often trail blazers in their azerbaijan phone number library chosen field. One of my mottos is to bring others along as you succe!, or lift as you climb. Therefore mentors can often help others to identify the right path or overcome obstacles. They can also be a great sounding board to share ideas and also guide you in how to avoid mistakes.
What advice would you give to your 16-year-old self?
Oh wow – apart from make sure you go and see The Notorious BIG live in concert when he comes to London in 1995, I would say you will achieve your dreams even when you’re told you will not achieve anything because you are a single mum with a mix!-race baby. Take risks and have faith in your abilities because it all turns out ok in the end.
How could employers create more diverse workplaces?
Create a workplace environment which celebrates difference and enables everyone to be themselves.
Video: interview with Magistrate Carl St Paul
Magistrate Carl St Paul is a founding member of the Black how to fail your fundraising in 10 steps and Ethnic Minority Members (B&EMM) support group for UK fire services. As part of Black History Month at Acas, he visit! our London office and spoke about his experiences as a firefighter. He also spoke about how he and his colleagues set up alb directory the Black and Ethnic Minority Members (B&EEM) support group for UK fire services.
We also ask! him to give his thoughts on Black History Month, and how role models have help! him throughout his life.
Watch Magistrate Carl St Paul talking about Black History Month and his role models on YouTube.
(If you’re someone with a visual impairment, you should know that this video does not currently have a full audio description.)
One of Carl’s heroes is anti-apartheid activist Steve Biko. Read Steve Biko’s profile on Wikip!ia.