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Google Rich Snippets for Events and Trade Fairs

Following the release of Google Rich Snippets in May 2005, which make it possible to display structured data from web pages in Google Rich Snippets search results, there is now a new additional feature: Events.

Rich snippets are

Generally referre to as “content” that summarizes viber database the page that appears below the search results and offers users a summary of information about the search result at a glance. Rich snippets do not influence the ranking of a website, but enable the searcher to find the relevant subpages of a website even faster.

Previously, there were only two formats within the snippets: reviews and people. Video information was gradually add to improve video search.

The new feature allows links to

Specific events to be display along with dates and locations. This provides users with a quick and convenient way to determine whether a website contains a specific event and whether they might be interest in it.

In order for Google to identify the “events” and display them in the search results, they must be mark up in the body of a web page. There why you should start using vulnerability scanners is no guarantee, however, that the rich snippets will be display for the page. As with the previous formats, Google is gradually introducing these into the search results to ensure user-friendliness.


The new “Events” feature is interesting for B2B companies because it can draw the attention of interest parties to trade fair or training dates. Google Rich Snippets This means that interest parties can find information more quickly philippines numbers about which trade fair they are attending, that the company is participating, or that the company is holding training courses and/or conferences. Companies can thus “promote” their most important dates (such as trade fairs, training courses, conferences) free of charge and also increase traffic to their site.

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