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DIY Birch from a Plastic Bottle.

Birch from a plastic bottle master class. First, we cut the green plastic bottle into strips, then we cut the strips into squares, and the squares into triangles. We ne to make a lot of these triangular blanks. Using a nele heat over a candle, make holes in the corner of each triangle. The birch leaves are ready. Take the aluminum wire and string the prepar leaves on it one by one. After each leaf, make several twists of the wire. This way, we get many branches.

We form the base of the tree trunk from thick wire.

We put the trunk in a prepar shallow container and bc data singapore it with dilut alabaster. Let it dry. The tree is secur. We attach branches with leaves to the trunk, placing them evenly throughout the tree, screwing them with wire. We will make earrings for our green birch from coins. I took old ten-kopeck coins. My husband made small holes in each coin, and I collect the money on wire. We got birch earrings. We decorate our tree with birch jewelry.

We wrap the trunk with a bandage, go over all the branches. We dilute the alabaster and very carefully coat the entire tree. After drying, we coat all the unpaint areas again, dry ten smartwatch company lists apply streaks of black paint to the birch trunk. After complete drying, we cover the tree and the jar in which it stands with several layers of varnish. We do all this work very carefully so as not to stain either the earrings or the green leaves.

We paint the alabaster in the base jar with green paint, imitating grass, and plant the granny box there. Here is our white-trunk beauty in earrings – a birch tree from a plastic philippines numbers is ready! Happy Spring to you, dear women!

Svetlana Shurygina

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