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Diversity and Inclusion: How to Build a Plural Environment in the Company

However, including diversity in the workplace goes beyond simply hiring employees who represent different communities.

We need to understand the value of diversity and inclusion, prepare leadership, and encourage a culture that includes respect as one of its core values.

Also, ensuring the safety — physical, psychological, and emotional — of employees is essential to enable the encouragement of nd the stimulation of innovation.

Here at Rock Content, we understand that every employee is more than just a source of labor.

To offer the best of themselves, as professionals and human beings, each one must feel comfortable and part of the environment.

Our commitment is to build an increasingly inclusive and diverse space.

To better understand the existing actions in this direction, we spoke withresponsible for our HR and Content teams. Read on and learn more!

Why is Rock a company that values diversity and how do we do it?

We have always been a diverse company, but our concern with inclusion was not officially instituted until last year.

We always had extensive discussions on the subject with the whole team. Still, we lacked a formal initiative from the company to foster inclusion and make diversity a reality in the office.

The first step we took was to structure a census to understand where we stood.

Performing a census is a simple idea, but capable of promoting significant results.

Without knowing the true picture of diversity in our team, it was impossible to validate or even encourage diversity.

This idea came from Edu Abreu, one of our most involved employees at the time. The board supported it since it wanted to enable the company to position itself, encouraging and managing diversity and inclusion efforts in an iceland phone number data institutionalized manner.

“Edu, in particular, expressed a great desire to carry this out alongside us. In a very professional way, he didn’t want to start from any preconceived idea about Rock, about what we were or weren’t, and what we wanted to be”.

Edu developed the whole questionnaire let the workplace speak out for suicide prevention based on official censuses from IBGE and Ethos Institute, benchmark organizations on the subject.

The initial goal was to understand how the company really operated. Some questions existed, like: was Rock a diverse company as we jiangxi mobile phone number list believed? How diverse? What kind of diversity is that?

To ensure that the whole company engaged with the census, the purpose of the action was presented at the kick-off meeting, which happens every quarter.

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