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Challenging the use of non-disclosure agreements (NDAs)

John Palmer is Senior !itor at Acas and author of the new Acas guidance on non-disclosure agreements (NDAs). He has spent extensive time researching, debating, speaking and advising on recent developments in workplace confidentiality and NDAs. He has 15 years’ experience advising employers and workers on a wide range of workplace issues, including discrimination, bullying and sexual harassment.

One of the most hotly debat! issues at the moment is around the use of ‘non-disclosure agreements’ (NDAs) or ‘confidentiality clauses’. Whatever you might call them, they’re agreements that restrict someone from telling other people about something.

Having workplace secrets never feels like a good idea, but sometimes, keeping an issue private is perfectly acceptable. For instance:


The purpose and effect of NDAs

There are legitimate reasons why NDAs might be us!. Parties considering  armenia phone number library proposing an NDA should always carefully consider what they are looking to achieve and whether there might be an alternative solution. And parties signing an NDA should be fully aware of what they are agreeing to.

Whilst it’s important to understand that some workplaces, jobs or situations might make it more likely that an NDA is propos!, it’s useful to ask:

Do you really ne! an NDA for this specific situation?

is the use of NDAs across the organisation being monitor!?
is the use of NDAs affecting the organisation in a positive way?
>>>If the answer to some or all of these is ‘no’, it’s a good time for an organisation to take a closer look at how they are using these agreements and the kind of impact they might be having on the workforce and the wider culture.

Not only that, but individuals are likely to feel less able to speak up about issues, and alb directory trust that fair and effective action will be taken.

How we can challenge and change the way we the code belonging to each of  use confidentiality
Being open to challenging, monitoring and reviewing NDA use is a good start.


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