A branch will help to achieve a spectacular composition. To do this, cut a strip from a green plastic bottle, make frequent cuts on both sides. The workpiece is held over a candle so that the “neles” move in different directions and the branch becomes fluffy. At this point, the chinese overseas africa data of the bottle into a pine cone can be consider complete.
Giant cone
The second method is ideal for decorating an area. This could be a playground, a summer cottage or a flower garden.
Materials and tools at hand:
- Many bottles of the same volume and shape. You can use plastic containers of 1.5 l, 2 l or 2.5 l. It all depends on the desir result. Attention! The container is select in one, two or three shades. Brown, dark yellow and green specimens are usually us.
- Corrugat reinforcement or a straight point stick for stringing blanks. The length depends on the volume and number of bottles prepar for the cone.
- Manicure and office scissors (all metal, no plastic handles).
Giant pine cone made from plastic bottles master class:
- According to tradition, all bottles are best trampoline for small garden clean of stickers.
- A puncture is made on the side of the bottle, near the bottom.
- From it, using manicure scissors, we begin to cut out the petals, capturing the bulges of the bottom by about 5 mm, as shown in the photo.
- As a result, a kind of star-shap object remains from the bottom. This stage is the most labor-intensive, it must be done with all the bottles.
- Work on the cone continues with the rest of the plastic container. Large scissors are us to make cuts, leaving a few centimeters from the neck. The process is philippines numbers for all bottles.
- Having prepar several blanks, they are insert into each other, they should fit tightly. This is done in order to determine the cuts, to make them larger or leave them the same.
- When all the elements are ready, you can begin assembling the giant cone. A pin is fix in the ground and all the plastic parts from the bottles are strung, making an offset on each blank in such a way as to hide the central rod.
Pine cones from plastic bottles
Who might ne pine cones from plastic bottles and for what purpose? It is quite possible that this is exactly what you thought when you saw the title of the article. However, for those who have long been fond of making crafts from “trash”, there is no ne to explain. This product is a great accessory for decorating an apartment (especially in winter), as well as the local area. After all, if you have already master how to make a tree from plastic bottles and “plant” a Christmas tree in the yard, then you will certainly want to supply it with pine cones. In addition, if you make them tiny, they will come in handy not only as Christmas tree decorations, but also as a keychain.
Master class: pine cones from plastic bottles
List of necessary materials and tools (per 1 cone):
- A 2-liter plastic bottle of the same color as the cone (a product made of dark brown or dark green plastic looks natural, but a transparent one looks more interesting);
- green bottle for a Christmas tree branch;
- images of the “layers” of the cone (you can draw them by hand or use templates);
- wire, large bead;
- scissors, candle, marker.
Procure for performing work:
1. Available plastic bottles ne to be prepar for work. Many nelewomen advise to let the bottle lie for a couple of hours in soapy water to make it easier to clean the label and remove the adhesive layer. Otherwise, the product turns out untidy and dust particles quickly stick to it.
4. Now you ne to assemble the cone.
To do this, string all the layers on the wire, starting with the largest. After that, secure a large bead or button as the core, and then go back with the wire. Twist its outer ends to make a branch out of them.
5. Cut out a piece from a green bottle that looks like a spruce branch. Heat it over a candle flame and put the cones on top of the wire.
6. Cut a thin strip from the remaining neck of the brown bottle and, heating it over the candle, gradually wrap the wire. If this does not work, then you can simply string several dark brown beads onto the wire.
If you have already learn how to make cones from plastic bottles, then you ne to provide a tree for them. How to make it is describ .
Master class cutting crocus cone from plastic bottles plastic bottles. Cones from plastic bottles: master class
There is so much beauty around us, creat by nature, as well as not always beautiful, but practical work of human hands. A huge field of activity opens up for the creative nature. Unique opportunities appear to combine natural materials with artificial ones. In the process, new masterpieces of handicrafts from natural materials, made with our own hands, open up before our eyes.