If authoritative people speak positively his is how humans are made.about something, the value of this product increases. And on the contrary, as soon as they speak negatively about something, we immediately begin to treat the subject of the conversation with caution.
The social network is an improved high-
peed version of word of mouth. And everyone knows country email list that perhaps the most effective advertising of a beauty salon is through word of mouth. It remains only to understand how to use this wonderful tool.
There is a special scientific field that studies social networks and the Internet, and selects the most effective ways to work with them. We are talking about SMM — Social Media Marketing. Professionals working in this industry are called SMM specialists.
Russian users are the most active on social networks:
- 89% of Russian users have accounts on social networks;
- 49% spend 5–10 hours there monthly;
- 23% – 20 hours or more.
- 24% believe that information received from social networks influenced their purchasing decision.
According to over 42% of users in Russia, social networks help bring people closer together. Many say that social networks erase the boundaries that exist in everyday life.
The most popular social networks in Russia are still VKontakte and Instagram. Next come Odnoklassniki and Facebook.
Also, users in Russia are on social networks such as:
- Moikrug.ru;
- “My World”;
- “MirTesen”;
- Webby.
Each social network has its own audience. Remember this when choosing a salon promotion strategy. There should be no discrepancies between the network’s target audience and the salon’s audience. If you overlook this rule, you can waste time and throw money away.
More and more experts agree that social networks will make all the services we know no longer exist in the future. We are talking about email, job search sites, online stores, dating sites, corporate sites, etc. According to many experts, soon all user activity on the Internet will take place exclusively on social networks.
This statement can be called true, you can disagree with it or ignore it. But be that as it may, in 2-4 years social networks will become even stronger, and marketers will be able to use their capabilities even more widely.
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In such circumstances, the main thing is not to miss your chance. It is very important to realize that at any moment your competitors can suddenly become more active in social networks and thereby win the fight for the client. Let’s say more: today, when not everyone has mastered the tools of promotion in social networks, few will dare to use them in t calling list heir business. For you, advertising a beauty salon in social networks is a good chance to give a boost to your business!
Let’s talk about how a service is sold to
a potential client who has just crossed the threshold of the salon, or how a new product is offered to a regular visitor. A person comes to the salon, and sales managers immediately evaluate him: they determine his age, mood, social status. During the conversation, an experienced sales specialist learns about the interests, wishes, and fears of the potential buyer.